I hope you are finding some peace in your "new normal" during these times of social distancing and stay at home. We are moving forward here. I'm so thankful for the direction of improvement around the world. Thank you to all that are helping to be part of the solution.
We are definitely experiencing a completely different fall season than we had anticipated, but making it count just the same. I'm very hopeful that we will come back stronger and better for the experiences we learned from this experience. While my heart hurts, grieves really, for the many trips that were so beautifully imagined, designed and then grounded. I hope your hopes are lifted for the future...that you will fly when you choose the time is right for you.

Through our associations with our national travel association, ASTA, we were able to voice concerns and arm ASTA with information needed for their talks with governmental officials to let them know how consumers were being affected. As an industry, we sent many emails to our congressman begging for relaxing of rescheduling deadlines.
I recorded this little clip Behind the Scenes.
I am so grateful for our clients' patience, understanding and for the many random acts of kindness from many of you. It was very helpful to Justin and I.
I have really enjoyed following you on facebook and seeing the many positive and uplifting ways that you have made limoncello from the lemons we have been served.
Do me a favor and shoot me an email and let me know is what information you would like to read about, what is helpful to you.
I'm anxious to move forward, whatever that looks like . . .
Keep Dreaming, we sure are!