1. New Perspective
Vacation helps us see the similarities and differences we cannot imagine--until we see for ourselves. From family life, work life, homes and social interaction.
"We need sometimes to escape into open solitudes, into aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard, in order to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment at no matter what", wrote philosopher George Santayana in "The Philosophy of Travel."
2. Appreciation
There is no place like home. We like to vacation to enjoy a slower pace, so I try to relax and remember that when traveling away from home, don't expect the same experiences as I receive at home. Appreciate that slower pace and new surroundings. An added benefit is a renewed appreciation of home.
3. Unplug
We read so many articles about Americans having a reputation for being unable to unplug or feeling guilty about taking time off. One of the greatest benefits of our devices is how accessible we are, but it's also to our detriment--since we always have our devices, even on vacation, its that much harder to step away from work. When I do truly UNPLUG, I do realize how much it is for my physical and mental health, as well as having bigger and better ideas when I return. It's that word again, PERSPECTIVE, after stepping away, I can see things more clearly. I also realize that it helps others when I can delegate and reciprocate, building a stronger team.
4. Strengthens Relationships
Unfortunately, everyday life and living in the fast lane gives us lots of opportunities to step on other's toes or maybe just not recognize or honor others as much as we should. Slowing down and vacation allows us the opportunity to make memories and share happier experiences. Sharing a glass of coffee or wine and discussing other's lives serves us much better. Sometimes, its even a stranger, "new friend", I always gain a new understanding for someone else's life by having a simple conversation with someone from another state or country while traveling. Shared travel experiences can easily build lifelong bonds.
5. Builds Confidence
Not only is vacation good for those of us looking for a little escape from work, but for young travelers looking for a little independence, travel teaches us things we never knew about ourselves. I love watching these young travelers build confidence while navigating their way through another state or country, discovering their resourcefulness, and recognizing and appreciating other people's customs and cultures. I must admit, its not just the learning of young travelers, I learn something new each time I travel. I especially appreciate being reminded of gratitude in each new day. The happy faces I meet while traveling remind me of how much I have to be thankful for. I know it is said so often, but it is so true, we have so much to be appreciate living in the comforts of this country.
6. Unique Experiences
Vacations are so much more than seeing iconic monuments and landmarks. Take a moment and see how small we really are in comparison to the majesty of Mother Nature. Recently I stood atop a lookout point in St. Lucia and gazing from the sapphire blue Caribbean waters to the lush green Piton Mountains to the sugar white sand, I could not stop thinking of the things I think are so important at home, and I'm just a dot in this very large, very beautiful world. Every destination has a unique history, style, tempo, and the right experience, the right tour guide can take you from an innocent tourist to a passionate traveler. My challenge to you is become immersed on your next vacation, find a world that is completely different than the one in which you live today. You won't regret it, your life will be changed forever, and hopefully, you get the chance to change someone else's perspective as well.
Email me tammy@viptravelexperience.com I would love to hear your favorite experiences and how your perspective was changed? Together we can create the best vacation experience for YOU. It's a big world out there -- we hope you EXPERIENCE it.