I pray that you and your family are healthy and staying strong and at peace! Please be safe and take care of yourself.
Try to remember that stress and fear are more dangerous to your immune system so let's discuss a few ways to reduce stress/fear.
I know everyone is facing a temporary "new normal" right now and one of the biggest issues may be feeling like you have lost control of your life and the freedoms we typically take for granted. That is totally UNDERSTANDABLE! Believe me, I'm feeling it too. What I have to remind myself (and others remind me too lol)... recognize what I can and can't control. Let the "Can'ts" go! Focus on the
"Cans". I've started a list here to get you started ... what are some of your suggestions? Reply to this newsletter and I can share with others next week, how are you letting go of what you can't control and moving forward as an inspiration to others...
-wheher or not others follow the rules of social distancing, but i CAN be sure that I and my immeditae family, follow CDC recommendations. The sooner we contain this virus, the sooner "normal" will return.
-the actions and attitudes of others, but I CAN control my own actions and be sure that they are being tempered with a little extra KINDNESS, GENEROSITY and GRACE.
-the amount of toilet paper on the grocery store shelves, but I CAN choose to only take what I need and not hoard that or any other important supplies so that others can have access as well.
-the sensationalism and constant barrage of negative news stories that incite anxiety, but I CAN control what I see by limiting my exposure to updates from a trusted source and filtering out all of the clutter. TURN OFF THE TV NEWS!!
-when schools will open again, but WE CAN do the best that I can to be sure kids have some structure, good nutrition, a reasonable schedule, time to play, creative projects and lots of attention & love. Children get anxious too and they look to us for cues. (My fb newsfeed is filled with wonderful stories of moms killing it with the homeschooling-I'm so impressed-drop a line to a mom and tell her she's got this).
-how long this will last, but I CAN choose to be part of the solution and stay well by social distancing, hydrating, exercising, eating healthily, restign and finding fun things to do at home. THIS TOO SHALL PASS, and you want to be in better shape when it does, more than ever before!
-not being able to physically hang out with friends, coworkers and family members, but I CAN keep socially networking using video chats, emails, thoughtful social media posts, telephone or ZOOM calls. Our bodies may be isolated, but our SOULS NEED CONNECTION, so keep reaching out in more creative ways.
-the restrictions on travel right now, but I CAN provide you with inspiration so that you keep your dreams alive. The time will come when you can take that trip that you have been wanting to take, and I WILL BE HERE ready and waiting to help you make it happen!
In troubling or uncertain times, it is so hard to see the other side-but its not far away-I can just see it.
Please please read below as I share with you a story I learned on my first trip to Venice. It is the most beautiful example of seeing something of beauty after a very long troubling time. Email me if you already knew this or you're surprised!!
AND I CAN'T WAIT to hug people again-especially this little one and her sister!!

Sharing a little happy picture of my grand demonstrating what to do when life gives you lemons.
- Stay Healthy
- Stay at Home
- Stay Strong !!!