A few years ago after searching and searching for the perfect gift for my adult children, parents and friends, I had an epiphany . . . they won't remember these things, but something they will remember is a great TRAVEL EXPERIENCE. The gift is even sweeter if we can share that experience together ("We'll always have New York"). Share your secret with another struggling Santa mom and experience a destination with several family members or friends. I promise you that planning this gift is so much more fun than fighting the mall crowds and traffic, and I can make it even easier for you, one phone call or email to me and I'll do your shopping.
Here are a 3 ideas to WRAP your GIFT OF Travel Experiences:
1. Scavenger Hunt. Write down several clues (or when the boys were younger, I printed pictures clues), wrap the clues in separate boxes all
under the tree numbered, or I like to put one box under the tree and lead them to boxes hidden around the house with clues. Imagine the excitement on their face's when they discover the last clue is tickets to: Whale Watching in Hawaii, Wine Tasting in Italy, Swimming with sharks and rays in Bora Bora, Zip lining in Caribbean or YOU fill in the blank. Be sure to have your video camera ready-these are priceless moments.
2. Travel Gifts. Buy a few things that pertain to your trip. Books to build the anticipation of the destination they will be visiting soon. Or more tangible gifts pertaining to the destination: If you are taking them to the Caribbean or Costa Rica, some water shoes, snorkel mask,
sunscreen; National Park passport or national geographic books of Grand Canyon, if visiting National Parks; golf tees if golf trip, Lei if gifting Hawaii or Tahiti, Bora Bora; etc.
3. Gift Certificate.

I create gift certificates for my clients with photos of the excursions or destinations that have been booked.
Studies show that the twenty-something millennial generation, increasingly value experiences over material possessions. In the age of technology and social media, we are bombarded with information, no downtime, etc. Millennials rate travel experiences just below life's milestones. This may be a time that we can learn from our children . . .
So enough of the THINGS they outgrow or throw out. Imagine the love and laughs increased with time away from routines exploring new areas of the world. Time spent getting to know and connecting on another level with your adult children on your trip to ?? . . . Great times mingling and really connecting are PRICELESS. Oh the memories, it grows even more special over time when you recount the memories "remember the time when . . ." So put your thinking cap on and let's find an experience that will change you/their lives. You will thank me later! A famous quote, The Trouble is You THINK you have time, make the most of the times you have and experience LIFE together.
WARNING: I gave John a GIFT OF EXPERIENCE about 10 years ago (Golf Trip with his buddies), and he won't accept any other gift except that one each year. On the bright side, I don't even need to think about WHAT to get him, its a given.
I would love to hear YOUR ideas, how did you surprise your family or friends with an extraordinary experience?
Remember, in your life, you’ll meet two kinds of people – those who dream of going places and those that GO PLACES! Which one do you want to be?
Click here
for more inspiration and ideas for a travel inspired life.
Email me tammy@viptravelexperience.com, I would love to help you plan your vacation to ANYWHERE! Together we can create the best vacation experience for YOU. It's a big world out there -- we hope you EXPERIENCE it.