There is always something beautiful on the other side
Search the photo above and let me know if you spot something beautiful that happened on the other side of a very difficult time in Venice. Have you ever seen a photo of Venice without that DOME? In fact, I can't really imagine sailing into Venice without seeing that gorgeous Basilica. The Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute (Basilica of St. Mary of Health) welcomes you to Venice at the junction of Grand Canal and Bacino di San Marco lagoon. It is so amazing and can be seen from all over the city.
It's iconic of Venice. The striking Basilica in the foreground is a symbol of gratitude!! Did you know that it was built in 1631 to celebrate the end of the unusual outbreak of the plaque responsible for so much loss of life of the Veneto population. I was told it took 56 years to build and was built to THANK MARY for her prayers of intercession to end the plaque.
I hope when you go to Venice you get the opportunity to visit this beautiful octagonal basilica built on a platform made of thousands of wood piles and located in the Dorsoduro area. As you walk up to it, you are overwhelmed at the height and you may miss the statue of the Virgin Mary presiding over the church. There are additional statues of Mark, Luke, Matthew and John. The great dome represents her crown, the vast interior her womb, the eight sides are the eight points of her symbolic star. You can visit two small chapels on its sides, and don't miss in the sacristy there is a beautiful canvas called "Marriage at Cana".
In November each year, there is also an annual celebration called the Feast of the Presentation of the Virgin wherein they walk from San Marco to La Salute across the Grand Canal on a specially constructed pontoon bridge for a service of thanksgiving.
I LOVE stories of how Italians are filled with gratitude and always honoring Mary. I know that in these uncertain times we can be filled with doubt and fear, but we know from stories in the bible and history books that we always rise higher and better on the other side of adversity. We are ALL in this together and there is a future full of hope for all of us. Let's be kind and help each other along the way.